Land Rover Land Rover
Defender 1990-2016
2.4 Td4 (122cv - 90Kw - 2402ccm)
articolo 65137
codice 511.524.082
sku 12308-65137
valori kW CV Nm
original 90 122 360
chipbox 111 150 432
440 112
385 98
330 84
275 70
220 56
165 42
110 28
55 14
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000

Values and graph in the datasheet are representative only may vary.


SELETRON SNC - Via Ca'Baseggio, 29/A - 36056 Tezze sul Brenta (VI) - Italy
T. +39 0424 536686 - Email: [email protected]